Mxsmanic , IFR sensations, and some other stuff
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Buster Hymen
2008-05-20 06:36:38 UTC
You are not at MDA during most of the flight. If you can see outside,
you're not in IMC. If you are in IMC, you use only your instruments.
Wrong again, dip shit. You don't even know the definition of IMC. Go back
to your simulator groups, asshole.
Helen Waite
2008-05-20 22:46:32 UTC
Are you really that stupid?  Why does the weather conditions matter. Sho
us from the FARs what weather conditions are required for an IPC.
Remember you are talking to a NON PILOT who says sensory feelings are
not a part of IFR flying.
That's should wrap this thread up in a nutshell. :-)
I'm well aware that Anthony is a non-pilot simmer who thinks that MSFS has
made him god's gift to the real world of aviation. He has to be exposed
each and every time he opens his mouth, especially in a student forum.

Isn't it interesting that while he is always asking other's for cites, he
doesn't supply any to back his twisted conclusions. As another poster very
accurately said, IMC stands for "Ignoramus Mxsmanic Claims" whenever
Anthony posts.
Helen Waite
2008-05-20 22:53:57 UTC
Not necessary. I completed an Instrument Proficiency Check three
weeks ago. I wasn't even due for it, just did it anyway. Six
different approaches, radar vectoring, unusual attitude recovery,
What were the weather conditions?
It was an IPC. Anybody who has done an IPC in flight knows they're
typically done under the hood.
Are you really that stupid? Why does the weather conditions matter.
Show us from the FARs what weather conditions are required for an
Well, Ash might call me an arrogant ass for pointing this out, but
when I did my instrument checkride, it included getting stuck in a
20-minute hold in solid IMC. Not only did I live, I passed the
I've shot plenty of approaches in zero visibility, in a Frasca Tru
Flight--a REAL flight simulator--so I've pretty much got it covered no
matter how you look at it. I've certainly got nothing to prove to
some video-game addict, regardless of what he claims he read
I know that YOU know what real IFR flight is. Anthony doesn't. His
question to you was yet another example of what another poster aptly
referred to as IMC = Ignoramus Mxsmanic Claims.

Since he posts his drivel to a student news group and has NEVER flown a
real airplane, even the slightest error on his part should be pounced upon
and verified so students who are unaware of his total and complete lack of
qualifications will not ever listen to anything he says.
