Belfort Instrument Company Digiwx AWOS Pedophilia
(too old to reply)
Tom Cryar
2011-02-11 20:53:47 UTC
Tom Cryar <***@higherplane.org> wrote:

Bruce R. Robinson's 10 reasons to NOT buy Belfort Digiwx AWOS

Ten reasons for not buying Belfort Instrument Digiwx AWOS:

1) no FAA Approved or FAA Certifed wind speed
2) no FAA Approved or FAA Certifed wind direction
3) no FAA Approved or FAA Certifed temperature
4) no FAA Approved or FAA Certifed dewpoint
5) no FAA Approved or FAA Certifed density altitude
6) no FAA Approved or FAA Certifed visibility
7) no FAA Approved or FAA Certifed precipitation measurement
8) no FAA Approved or FAA Certifed precipitation discriminator
9) no FAA Approved or FAA Certifed ceiling measurement (ceilometer)
10) no FAA Approved or FAA Certifed lightning detection

Then you can always check out the reliability of a Digiwx:

Check it out yourself:
http://www.digiwx-n27.com - CURRENT DATA NOT AVAILABLE
http://www.digiwx-2m8.com - CURRENT DATA NOT AVAILABLE
http://www.digiwx-ambergriscayairport.com - CURRENT DATA NOT AVAILABLE

It's been this way for months!
Not hours, not days, not weeks, but months!

How many more examples of unreliable Digiwx stations do you need?

The United States had 546 commercial service airports as of 2001.

You won't find a single Digiwx AWOS in use at any of these commercial
service airports where passengers are being transported. When you
consider that Digiwx AWOS is nothing more than a FAA Approved
barometer and visibility sensor, now you know why!

Why would you put your family at risk to a small airport that has a
Digiwx AWOS in use? Do you have a death wish for your family?

Here are some other relaible AWOS alternatives that you will find in
use at U.S. commercial service airports including:


Belfort Instrument Digiwx AWOS Lowlifes (mat rip)

Bruce R. Robinson (serves as Chief PHUCK at Utilipoint Intl)
Ellen H. Robinson (phuck buddy)
60 Paako Drive
Sandia Park, NM 87047
brobinson (at) utilipoint.com

Nicholas C. Kaufman
Darlene C. Kaufman (phuck buddy)
13667 Marsh Harbor Drive North
Jacksonville, FL 32225
cs (at) quickstrategy.com

Debra S. Alascio (maiden name: Spence)
Santo V. Alascio (drunk husband)
960 Fell Street, Unit 313
Baltimore, MD 21231
DSAlascio (at) belfortinstrument.com

William C. Gordon (backstabbing dick sucker)
Judith A. Gordon (phuck buddy)
13911 Manor Road
Baldwin, MD 21013

Ralph F. Petragnani
Elisa Petragnani (phuck buddy)
1039 Old Bay Ridge Road
Annapolis, MD 21403-4256
rpetragnani (at) belfortinstrument.com

M. Tylor Burton III
Jane M. Burton (phuck buddy)
25 Dunvegan Road
Catonsville, MD 21228
tylorb (at) gmail.com

Steven K. Eagan
Joy M. Eagan (phuck buddy)
18912 Falls Road
Hampstead, MD 21074

About Belfort Instrument Company:

Belfort used to be a leading provider of weather instruments to the
government, professional meteorology and aviation markets. Key
ords: "use to be." They never provided any wind sensors to the Wright
Brothers despite their fantastic assertion that they did! Historical
archives available at the U.S. Air Force National Museum (1100 Spaatz
Street, Wright-Patterson AFB, OH 45433) tells a very different story
and specifically mentions a "Richards" anemometer which Wilbur Wright
held as pictured at: "http://wings.avkids.com/Book/Wright/
history1_19012.html". The Belfort aerovane wind system on U.S. Naval
aircraft carriers are currently being replaced with ultrasonic wind
sensors from QPI (11207 Single Oak Road, Fredericksburg, VA 22407)
which just won a $94 million dollar contract for the Moriah Wind
System. Belfort wind speed and direction anemometers found on the ASOS
platform are now being replaced with ultrasonic sensors from the
Vaisala Group. Belfort Instruments Model 6000 visibility sensor will
no longer be a part of the U.S. Air Force's OS-21/FSB program come
early 2007. And despite a $500,000 U.S. government grant from NASA's
Small Aircraft Transportation System (SATS) program in 2004 to build a
low-cost ceilometer, Belfort didn't possess the technical smarts nor
the engineering know-how to accomplish the task. So now they're
importing the Eliasson CBME 80A laser ceilometer from Muir Matheson.
As one can readily see, Belfort is no longer setting any standards of
measurement in the weather instrumentation world. And now Belfort is
propagating lie after lie about their fabled company history while
trying to steal thunder from the accomplishments of the Wright
Brothers. According to the National Museum of American History (12th
Street and Constitution Avenue, N.W., Washington, D.C. 20560), Belfort
founder Julian Friez never made it to Baltimore to set up shop until
sometime in the 1890s even though Belfort officials fradulently claim
the company was founded in 1876. Thus, there was no 125th anniversary
for Belfort to celebrate in 2001 even though they hosted a party to
which no one came! Belfort's proclamation that it is the "Oldest
Weather Company in the World" is simply yet another Belfort lie as
Thomas Romney Robinson invented the first wind anemometer in 1846, six
years before Julian Friez was born in 1852. Belfort doesn't even know
it's own company history so they just make it up! You should wonder
what other crap (eg. Digiwx AWOS) they also make up! For more
information about Belfort Instrument and DigiWx, visit dogsh*t.com
David E. Powell
2011-02-11 21:33:09 UTC
A serious question. Given the disturbing bent, and I mean bent, this
obsessed clown has in his posts towards Pedo stuff, how come no one
has taken legal action? I mean posting personal information and this
other stuff in this tone has to merit some kind of give-a-crap moment
from at least local PDs, right?

If not, the Internet is even more screwed up than I thought.

Either that or this is the most cleverly disguised marketing campaign
with people reacting by buying Belfort stuff whether it was their
first choice or not just to frost Dr. Perverto here.
