FSX owners...New England screen shots?
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Chris Wells
2008-03-27 23:45:12 UTC
I bought FS 2004, and was severely disappointed at how unrealistic th
scenery in my neck of the woods is...the mighty Merrimack is a trickle
and invisible in some areas, and overall the ground looks nothing lik
what it should. Could someone here who has FSX post a link t
screenshots covering the northern Massachusetts/southern NH area a

Chris Wells
2008-04-02 03:29:19 UTC
Here you go Chris...

The first picture is after takeoff from Boire Field, near Nashua, NH. You are looking north up the Merrimack river:
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The next picture is a few miles farther south, looking south along the Merrimack river:
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The next picture is near the Mass/NH border, near the Merrimack river:
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This picture is approaching Lowell, Mass from the north:
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And finally, a comparison between a Google Earth satellite image of the area around Lowell, Mass, and the same area in the FSX Map view:
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I used FSX with SP1 Acceleration installed, as well as Flight 1's Ultimate Terrain X USA installed. Ultimate Terrain will take care of most of the rivers that tend to dry up to nothing, as well as make all of the ground scenery much more realistic. In my own, humble opinion (which is worth what you pay for it) the scenery in FSX looks much superior to FS9. The downside to FSX is that you need a very hefty computer to get good framerates in FSX. I have a top-of-the-line computer system and I am only getting ~28 fps in FSX, where I get 60 fps in FS9. I hope that you find these screenies useful...

Randy L.
Remember: Any landing that you can walk away from,
is a landing that you can be fined, sued, or prosecuted for.
I bought FS 2004, and was severely disappointed at how unrealistic the
scenery in my neck of the woods is...the mighty Merrimack is a trickle,
and invisible in some areas, and overall the ground looks nothing like
what it should. Could someone here who has FSX post a link to
screenshots covering the northern Massachusetts/southern NH area at
Chris Wells
Chris Wells
2008-05-23 13:07:45 UTC
Wow, thanks a lot, I can see things have improved...could you possibl
post pics of the area around Hampton Beach, and/or Haverhill, MA aroun

I think I'll be getting a copy of FSX as soon as I can afford a ne

Chris Wells
2008-07-01 15:41:18 UTC
Here you go Chris--

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Again, I have added Flight1's Ultimate Terrain USA X to mu copy of FSX.

Randy L.
Remember: Any landing that you can walk away from,
is a landing that you can be fined, sued, or prosecuted for.
Wow, thanks a lot, I can see things have improved...could you possibly
post pics of the area around Hampton Beach, and/or Haverhill, MA around
I think I'll be getting a copy of FSX as soon as I can afford a new
Chris Wells