Post by Doc TonyPost by Doc TonyGot 'your' attention tho', yes? Anyway, until some soul comes along,
just doing the conversion from CH yoke/throttle/pedals [all going to
my son, BTW] and unpacking the SAITEK system consisting of the Saitek
yoke with its accompanying throttle and I have an extra separately
purchased Saitek throttle [it's a hair bigger and has a USB connector
whereas the 3 lever throttle that came with the Saitek yoke has the
sub-mini pin connector, dunno why, but that's what it has and plugs
directly into the yoke. There are also 3 USB ports and a 5v connector
which I have no clue as to the reason since the yoke is USB bus
operated but perhaps this is for no more left USB slot scenarios.
Again, dunno!] and the Saitek pedals. Also nice looking!
Once I begin fiddling with the thing first with Windows [XP-Pro] and
then within FS-9 and FS-X set-up areas, I'll relate how it goes. The
'word' was [various sources] to try letting Windows do the
configuration sorting-out so to speak and then, and ONLY then, try the
Saitek accompanying program because the program [CD] has its hassles,
so say those who have gone that route. So, I'll see what Windows says
using the USB controller recognition thing for all the parts and then
see what the sim says under axis and assignment tinkerings.
Hello? Hey, it happens! But perhaps some interesting info can develop
and/or troubleshooting input either public or via email. I'll say
this, I 'do' indeed like the physical 'looks' of the Saitek stuff! And
the 'feel' of the yoke even before being connected is nice and I
sticking a la mode for very fine yoke movements] so let's see what
Doc Tony
Update! STOP PRESS! It was just 'too' good to be true ... when things go
totally without a hitch [connections, set-up, initially everything works
perfectly, etc., etc. ] and completely smooth and easy, you just 'know'
that's not a good omen!
Landing at O'Hare, getting used to the new set-up [SAITEK yoke, two
SAITEK throttle quads and SAITEK rudder pedals] and then as the A/C
built-in voice panel says that I'm "400 above" and I'm getting set to
put the twin jet down I suddenly 'ALSO' hear =="LANDING GEAR UP
PLEASE"== [!!!] but I didn't touch anything! Yep! And check the MANY
SAITEK yoke/throttle user comments at Amazon ... the "phantom key press"
issue caused by the SAITEK yoke and 'admitted' by the SAITEK folks as a
factory defect!
When the yoke/throttle combo arrived before November, I should have
suspected that I might have one of the older [with the defect] series of
SAITEK yokes with the phantom key press issue. Amazon made with the 30
days free postage return print out and I now have 30 days to return the
item. Meanwhile they have offered a free replacement [now due anywhere
from "December 3 through 17" !] ==or== the option of canceling the order
for a full refund. I'll wait-out the hopefully factory corrected yoke
defect and retrieve my old CH yoke for further service until the new
SAITEK yoke and factory defect 'phantom key press' issue solved arrives.
Note I say 'hopefully' solved! OTHER than that, the yoke is great with
no 'sticking' due to the METAL pitch tube shaft which, by the way, does
not protrude out of the back and is completely enclosed in the back of
the SAITEK yoke. Hey, sh** happens! Also refer to the SAITEK forum where
this yoke "phantom key press" issue is addressed by various users AND
where SAITEK itself admits to an internal yoke factory 'wiring' defect
that causes the random [could activate 'anything' on its own!] key press
Stay tuned! And keep those public responses coming! ;-)
Doc Tony
Well, at least 2 souls used email but either way, the input is
appreciated. Of interest, in BOTH email cases, the "phantom key press"
issue was present!
Further digging: Apparently, Saitek was asked [this from a 3rd party so
no citation] if the problem can be at least noted via the Saitek serial
number series and this was a 'no' because apparently the problem was/is
"intermittent" -- how 'that' works, dunno, but you'll know it when it
strikes and you're perhaps 50 FEET from the tarmac and suddenly the
wheels go UP -- by themselves. Now 'that' is an issue, yes? Also various
['normally' via the hat button or red button on the right side of the
yoke which is a default setting ] views happening by themselves and the
knee board suddenly popping up, shall we say, "unannounced" and
certainly not called for via any button or KB press -- hence "phantom
key press" and I did a review of the Saitek yoke/throttle combo and the
phantom key press problem on Amazon ['USA' Amazon website anyway]. Check
it out!
Amazon says now that they are 'temporarily out of stock' on the Saitek
yoke/throttle combo and the next scheduled re-stock of same will be
December 3rd through 17th and HOPEFULLY these units will have the
factory wiring defect corrected. Otherwise, well, it's back to the CH
yoke until Saitek can figure out what they are doing wrong!
Otherwise tho', a great yoke! That METAL pitch tube and bearings making
a big difference on very small yoke movements whereas the CH yoke tended
to 'stick' at such very small in-flight yoke movements primarily due to
the CH yoke 'PLASTIC' pitch tube and all the silicone lubricant [et al!
I even tried liquid graphite and a very fine machine oil that I use on
my vintage 50-ish and early 60's 'O' gauge trains, no good and within
days the 'sticking' on the CH yoke plastic pitch tube returned! ] did
not seem to make the thing slide back and forth any easier!
Saitek rudder gizmo equally excellent and nice eye candy to boot as was
the Saitek 3 lever, 3 button throttle quad -- I got 'two' to give me the
'6' lever "axis" capability since the Saitek throttle quad has only '3'
levers and then 3 rocker-type buttons underneath. Green light for 'on'
too. Nice and longer lever handles than the 6 short-handle lever CH
throttle quad. Yoke had an excellent touch and feel and 'except' for the
phantom key press' thing, I would be thrilled with it! A replacement is
on order -- free with free shipping to boot -- and I have 30 days to
return the defect yoke/throttle combo via a printed-out Amazon generated
return merchandise label. Another plus as in the replacement being sent
when Amazon receives it and NOT contingent on getting the return
'although' they make it clear that if you go 'over' the 30 days
[beginning with the date when the return postage free receipt is
printed-out], then you will be so 'further' charged so if you have a
defective Saitek yoke, return it within the 30 days [don't forget to
INCLUDE the accompanying throttle that comes with it!] to prevent
another charge hassle!
Also, caught a great deal on a bare-bones system using the latest Intel
"Core Duo 2" CPU so I'll see how that works and let you know its effect
on the sims! As most simmers know by now, FS2004 [AKA FS9] is like a
rabbit COMPARED TO FS-X which really 'requires' the 'juice' to run and
get those neat graphics. Nature of the beast, I suppose, where even my
present P-4 system using a 3.2 gig CPU and very fast 3 gigs of machine
memory and an Nvidia 8K series card with 512 megs of 'on-board' video
memory did a decent job with FS2004 ==but== with FS-X, it bogged down
considerably as the sliders were experimented with a little at a time
'to the right', as they say, and FS-X overall performance and frame
rates dropped, like the old albatross, "like lead into the sea."
Stay tuned ... and hey, take a number for those public responses and
avoid the rush! ;-)
Doc Tony