(too old to reply)
George Orwell
2007-11-14 21:44:36 UTC
The Rise of the White Male Sycophant

With the rise of the left wing homosexual acceptance movement
here in America and the rapid feminism of America driven by
Chinese and Russian influence the white male sycophant has
risen to new heights in America.

The white male sycophant is easy to spot. Pasty, pudgy,
mindless minions of weak soft white men. Gravitating behind
the wicked witch of the east Hillary Clinton like the flying
monkeys in the wizard of Oz. Yes America, the 2008 campaign
will expose a new phenomenon. The weak white male sycophant.
Blindly following behind the politically correct lemmings
and feminist minions as they plunge over the political ravine
into the raging sea. Fun to watch but bad for America. And the
slow destruction of America continues
driven by the left wing homosexual movement in the media.

STOP Kissing the Black Ass

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non corrisponde ad un utente |message is not related to a real
reale ma all'indirizzo fittizio|person but to a fake address of an
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Per maggiori informazioni |For more info
2008-02-01 10:44:16 UTC
Post by George Orwell
The Rise of the White Male Sycophant
With the rise of the left wing homosexual acceptance movement
here in America and the rapid feminism of America driven by
Chinese and Russian influence the white male sycophant has
risen to new heights in America.
The white male sycophant is easy to spot. Pasty, pudgy,
mindless minions of weak soft white men. Gravitating behind
the wicked witch of the east Hillary Clinton like the flying
monkeys in the wizard of Oz. Yes America, the 2008 campaign
will expose a new phenomenon. The weak white male sycophant.
Blindly following behind the politically correct lemmings
and feminist minions as they plunge over the political ravine
into the raging sea. Fun to watch but bad for America. And the
slow destruction of America continues
driven by the left wing homosexual movement in the media.
STOP Kissing the Black Ass
Il mittente di questo messaggio|The sender address of this
non corrisponde ad un utente |message is not related to a real
reale ma all'indirizzo fittizio|person but to a fake address of an
di un sistema anonimizzatore |anonymous system
Per maggiori informazioni |For more info
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